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N2 - K2 Course
* 绘本教学 Story Telling
* 趣味笔划 Fun Strokes of Chinese Character
* 量词学习 Quantifier Learning
* 词句重组 Word Reorganization
* 汉语拼音 Pinyin Learning
* 听力练习 Listening Exercise
* 创意表达 Creative Expression
* 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension
* 听故事+学语法 Learning Grammar from the Stories
P1 Course
* 看图写句子 Picture Writing
* 听写 Speech Dictation
* 短文填空 Fill In The Blanks
* 词句重组 Word Reorganization
* 量词学习 Quantifier Learning
* 形容词 Adjective Learning
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